November 1, 2020

2020-3D Media


The 2020-3D Media project was a four-year research project funded by the European Commission under the FP7 (7th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development), and involved 13 industrial, academic and artistic partners. The 2020 3D project has been researching, developing and demonstrating novel forms of compelling entertainment experiences based on new technologies for the capture, production, networked distribution and display of 3D sound and images. The ultimate goal of the project was to explore and develop novel technologies to support the production, post-production, networked distribution, and exhibition of immersive audiovisual content.

As an artistic partner CREW conducted practice-based research focusing on the translation of cinematographic and performative codes in immersive environments and on changing notions of narrativity, presence and spectatorship.

Were involved in the CREW research:
Philippe Bekaert (EDM, Universiteit Hasselt), Kurt Vanhoutte (Universiteit Antwerpen), Nele Wynants (Universiteit Antwerpen/FWO), Brecht Debackere and Eric Joris (CREW).


- Kurt VANHOUTTE, Nele WYNANTS (2009). Pending presence: negotiating the space in between. In: Klaveren, van, Rosanne [edit.]; et al. [edit.].Space cowboys: how art creates, networks and visualises hybrid spaces. p. 58–72 Genk: Media and Design Academy. [Link→]
- Kurt VANHOUTTE, Nele WYNANTS & Philippe BEKAERT (2008). Being inside the image: heightening the sense of presence in a video captured environment through artistic means.. In: Spagnolli, Anna [edit.]; e.a..Presence 2008: proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Presence in Padova. p. 157–162 Padova: Libraria Universitaria Padova. [Link→]