October 5, 2011


xTV or Explorative Television (2011~2013)

Under the ICON-project CREW participates in research on new ways of experiencing and interacting with television. This project utilizes surround video, enabling the audience to freely look around in the image. The user thus experiences video images from ‘within’ instead of ‘outside’. Passive television might soon become a thing of the past, when active interaction and exploration of video becomes mainstream.

This interdisciplinary project assembles a diverse group of small and large players alike from the fields of technology, media and research. The goal is to develop new production techniques and interactive digital television experiences using surround video. The project will be an in-depth investigation of the best methods to capture, process, distribute and ultimately present surround video to viewers at home.

In the context of the ICON-project CREW is mostly active in ‘Workpackage 5*’, focussing on explorative television experiences and production concepts. The group works with partners such as Alfacam, Alice Events, DDMC and VRT. CREW also supports the work of academic research centres (MICT/Gent and SMIT/VUB) that research the human component of xTV: how is xTV experienced and what are the expectations of the user? Other important partners of the xTV project are EDM (University of Hasselt), Telenet, NeuroTV and Androme.

The project ran from 01.02.2011 to 31.01.2013.

Flemish collaborative project on Explorative TV, supported by IBBT/IWT.

J. DECOCK, , J. VAN LOOY, L. BLEUMERS & P. BEKAERT (2011). The Pleasure of Being (There?): An Explorative Study into the Effects of Presence and Identification on the Enjoyment of an Interactive Theatrical Performance using Omni-Directional Video.. In: P. Turner (Ed.).Proceedings of the International Society for Presence Research Annual Conference (12p.).. Edinburgh, Scotland: Edinburgh Napier University. [Link→] L. BLEUMERS, B. LIEVENS, J. PIERSON (2011). From Sensory Dream to Television Format: Gathering User Feedback on the Use and Experience of Omnidirectional Video-based Solutions. In: P. Turner (Ed.).Proceedings of the International Society for Presence Research Annual Conference (6p.). Edinburgh, Scotland: Edinburgh Napier University. [Link→]