Super Nova

During the Open door weekend at the tech show Super Nova CREW presents a mix of live performances and installations.

The installation consists of Collateral Rooms, 4 set ups of C.A.P.E. Brussels and 3 set ups of Hands-on Hamlet. In addition, CREW exhibits stunning artifacts that provide an overview of the experimental, artistic quest of its past 20 years of VR production.

Realisation: Eric Joris, Jean Pierre Deschepper, Valery Desmedt
Technics: Koen Goossens, Stijn Goethals, Chantalle Pleiter
Set: Hamer & Sons, Visuelle
Commissioned by: Flanders DC- Super Nova

September 30, 2018
September 29, 2018
September 28, 2018
September 27, 2018